Thursday, September 17, 2009

History of bubbles

What is the next bubble to come?
Carbon credit?
BRIC markets?
I would welcome your ideas/comments.


  1. Hi,
    Its a great blog!
    What is your opinion about YEN for the next 2-3 months?
    What is your view about hungarian forint and other eastern european currencies outlook?

    Cheers, Andy

  2. Hi!

    I am rather bearish on the yen in the short-term (next few days to weeks), but bullish on the long-term (next few months).
    I have no opinion regarding forint and eastern european currencies.


  3. I just parsed your blog. Looks good. Bookmarked site. Thanks.

  4. Personally, I think US treasuries will fall, pushing interst rates up, so for example, TBT would be a good stock to short, or to buy Put options in.
    Also, gold wil be a very good trade, but perhaps not at the moment............., but soon. If it falls to $900.00 I will be a big buyer.

  5. I think the S&P is the next bubble waiting to pop.. What are you thinking?

  6. I was just reading more of your blog and curious as to if you were a full time trader (as in this is your primary income) or if its just a side hobby. Thanks for the great info!

  7. Very informative blog.Goldtream capital nice name.

  8. I think the US dollar will continue to decline in value and that Occidental stock markets (in US, Europe) will gradually decline in value versus emerging markets (BRIC countries).

    The bubble of the financial industry has already started to deflate. It will continue doing so in the future with the deleveraging taking place and the increasing amount of regulation coming.

    Yes I think so about US Treasuries: I expect their price to fall as the US debt burden is mounting and inflation expectations will start to rise.
